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Want to pay the legal minimum in taxes? Schedule Your Initial Consultation

To help maximize our time together please complete the following short questionnaire and choose the services you are interested in. Once you have completed the questionnaire you will be able to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation at the time most convenient for you.

We offer two key services for individuals and businesses:

Tax Planning

There are two tax planning options available. Tax planning lite at $4,995 and a comprehensive tax plan at $9,995.

Tax Preparation

Note that 2024 tax year returns will be offered at a flat fee. For all 2023 tax year engagements it will be hourly. On an hourly basis, our returns start at $3,500 per return with the majority falling between $4,000 - $8,000.

We currently do not provide bookkeeping services but can make referrals as needed.


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